Submission Jun 2023 Submission to the Review of Secondary Education in the Northern Territory Submission on increasing participation, retention and completion in education in the Northern Territory, particularly in remote areas
Submission Jun 2023 Submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into ECEC Examines the ECEC sector, considering cost and availability barriers that affect access to ECEC services
Article Jun 2023 How ready is your school for change? Considerations when introducing new initiatives, programs and models to your school community This article explores some of the factors shown to impact school staff’s readiness for change and recommends 4 promising approaches.
Article Jun 2023 Why AERO is working to support a whole-school approach to writing Christine Jackson and Annie Fisher discuss the need to support teachers to teach writing in all subject areas.
Article May 2023 Tiered literacy and numeracy interventions In this article, Adam Inder shares findings from AERO’s Implementing Effective Tiered Interventions in Secondary Schools' project.
Article May 2023 One in five secondary students has not mastered basic skills: How do schools help them to catch up? New research from the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) and Monash University has identified a potential solution that could dramatically improve learning for those students who are significantly behind their peers.
Submission May 2023 Submission to the Draft National Teacher Workforce Action Plan Submission on initiatives for supporting recruitment and retention of teachers
Submission May 2023 Submission on the Early Years Strategy Supports the education, wellbeing and development of Australian children by advocating for a more integrated, holistic approach to the early years
Submission Apr 2023 Submission from AERO's Board to the Teacher Education Expert Panel Highlights reforms needed to ensure pre-service teachers are equipped with the knowledge and skills to implement evidence-based teaching practices
Article Mar 2023 NAPLAN results inform schools, parents and policy. But too many kids miss the tests altogether We look at who is not sitting the tests and why that matters.
Submission Mar 2023 Senate submission on the issue of increasing disruption in Australian school classrooms Addresses the causes of and interventions for disruption in Australian school classrooms
Article Jan 2023 Productivity Commission report highlights the importance of evidence-based approaches The Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) has welcomed the Productivity Commission’s Review of the National School Reform Agreement (NSRA), released today.