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Media release
NAPLAN participation shows recovery in latest analysis
The rates of students taking part in NAPLAN testing have largely recovered to pre-pandemic levels, as highlighted in the latest Analytical Insights paper released today by the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO).
School attendance
AERO was commissioned by the Education Ministers to investigate student attendance in Australian schools.
Submission to the Independent Review into the Tasmanian Education System
In this submission, AERO encourages the Tasmanian Government to implement evidence-based teaching practices in schools to help all students reach their full potential. It outlines the key practices that should underpin education reforms, as well as considerations for effective and sustainable implementation.
Submission to the Inquiry into Literacy and Numeracy in ACT Public Schools
AERO’s submission identifies 3 evidence-based teaching practices that should form the core content basis of the ACT’s support to schools. It recommends the ACT Education Directorate work with schools to implement these practices and outlines principles and support mechanisms for this.
Actionable insights into Australian education
This project identifies trends, challenges and opportunities in education datasets and generates actionable insights that can support improved outcomes in schools and ECEC services.
Engaged classrooms through effective classroom management
Students learn best in well-managed classrooms. AERO’s classroom management resources support teachers and school leaders to create safe and supportive learning environments through evidence-based practices.
How students learn
Our work on how students learn best (also known as the science of learning) connects cognitive science, neuroscience and education psychology research on the learning process with practical teaching implications.
The Longitudinal Literacy and Numeracy in Australia (LLANIA) dataset
Improving the quality, accessibility and endurability of national school data architecture.
Submission to the Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System
AERO's submission included an overview of how student wellbeing is measured in Australia and highlighted opportunities to improve data collection and use of data in decision-making.
Supporting continuous school improvement
A project to provide practical guidance for school leaders to improve student learning outcomes through effective school strategic plans
Submission to the Review of Secondary Education in the Northern Territory
Submission on increasing participation, retention and completion in education in the Northern Territory, particularly in remote areas
Submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into ECEC
Examines the ECEC sector, considering cost and availability barriers that affect access to ECEC services