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1 – 12 of 22 results found
Submission to the Independent Review into the Tasmanian Education System
In this submission, AERO encourages the Tasmanian Government to implement evidence-based teaching practices in schools to help all students reach their full potential. It outlines the key practices that should underpin education reforms, as well as considerations for effective and sustainable implementation.
Technical report
Linking quality and child development in early childhood education and care: Technical report
This technical report presents the findings from a study that uses large-scale data to examine how specific aspects of quality in early childhood education and care relate to learning and development outcomes for children in Australia.
Submission to the Inquiry into Literacy and Numeracy in ACT Public Schools
AERO’s submission identifies 3 evidence-based teaching practices that should form the core content basis of the ACT’s support to schools. It recommends the ACT Education Directorate work with schools to implement these practices and outlines principles and support mechanisms for this.
Agency publication
Research Agenda 2024
Our Research Agenda outlines our annual research priorities. The agenda is developed in consultation with the education community and approved by our Board and a meeting of Education Ministers.
Technical report
Longitudinal literacy and numeracy in Australia (LLANIA) dataset: Technical report
This technical report describes the creation of the Longitudinal Literacy and Numeracy in Australia (LLANIA) dataset, including the linkage process and quality assurance methods.
Submission to the Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System
AERO's submission included an overview of how student wellbeing is measured in Australia and highlighted opportunities to improve data collection and use of data in decision-making.
Agency publication
Reconciliation Action Plan
AERO is committed to using evidence to achieve excellence and equity in educational outcomes for First Nations children and young people. We can only realise this commitment by building positive relationships with First Nations peoples and communities and embedding reconciliation in our culture.
Submission to the Review of Secondary Education in the Northern Territory
Submission on increasing participation, retention and completion in education in the Northern Territory, particularly in remote areas
Submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into ECEC
Examines the ECEC sector, considering cost and availability barriers that affect access to ECEC services
Submission to the Draft National Teacher Workforce Action Plan
Submission on initiatives for supporting recruitment and retention of teachers
Submission on the Early Years Strategy
Supports the education, wellbeing and development of Australian children by advocating for a more integrated, holistic approach to the early years
Submission from AERO's Board to the Teacher Education Expert Panel
Highlights reforms needed to ensure pre-service teachers are equipped with the knowledge and skills to implement evidence-based teaching practices