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Fewer than 1 in 5 students who are behind in Year 3 catch up and stay caught up
We found less than 1 in 5 students who perform below the national minimum standards in literacy and numeracy in the Year 3 NAPLAN tests catch up and stay caught up.
Analytical Insights paper
Learning outcomes of students with early low NAPLAN performance
This paper is the second in a series of Analytical Insights papers, which provide accessible, up-to-date analysis of educational datasets.
Technical report
Longitudinal literacy and numeracy in Australia (LLANIA) dataset: Technical report
This technical report describes the creation of the Longitudinal Literacy and Numeracy in Australia (LLANIA) dataset, including the linkage process and quality assurance methods.
The Longitudinal Literacy and Numeracy in Australia (LLANIA) dataset
Improving the quality, accessibility and endurability of national school data architecture.
Research report
Benchmarking performance: Future directions for Australia’s National Assessment Program
By examining literacy and numeracy results across assessments, we can better understand the performance of Australian students over time; we can pinpoint areas of national strength and weakness and improve Australia’s educational outcomes.
Analytical Insights paper
NAPLAN participation: Who is missing the tests and why it matters
This paper is the first in a series of Analytical Insights papers, which provide accessible, up-to-date analysis of educational datasets.
NAPLAN results inform schools, parents and policy. But too many kids miss the tests altogether
We look at who is not sitting the tests and why that matters.
Research report
Writing development: What does a decade of NAPLAN data reveal?
This report discusses AERO’s 2022 analysis of NAPLAN student writing data – the most extensive investigation into this area ever conducted in Australia.
Research summary
Writing development: NAPLAN data analysis summary
This is a summary of findings from AERO’s 2022 analysis of student writing data – the most extensive investigation into this area ever conducted in Australia.
Does background determine student achievement?
A new analysis of NAPLAN data reconfirms that while students’ backgrounds influence their literacy and numeracy achievement, their results are not wholly determined by socio-economic background.
There is no such thing as an ‘average’ school
We might associate ‘top schools’ with having the lion's share of academic high-achievers. However, when we look at the distribution of achievement across all students within schools and compare it to average differences between schools, the story is not so straightforward.
Research summary
Examining equity in NAPLAN achievement
This research summary explains the methodology for a data analysis of students' backgrounds and their influence on literacy and numeracy achievement.