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Analytical Insights paper
NAPLAN participation: Post-COVID-19 improvements and remaining challenges
This paper is the third in a series of Analytical Insights papers, which provide accessible, up-to-date analysis of educational datasets.
Actionable insights into Australian education
This project identifies trends, challenges and opportunities in education datasets and generates actionable insights that can support improved outcomes in schools and ECEC services.
Research report
Understanding current ITE delivery and identifying opportunities: Commissioned report
This project conducted a review of Australian Initial Teacher Education (ITE) delivery to understand the extent to which ITE programs integrate foundational core content.
Research report
Evidence based teaching practices: Commissioned report
This commissioned research report provides a summary of the recommended course content for initial teacher education (ITE) based on the research evidence base.
Research report
Incorporating evidence-based teaching practices into ITE: Commissioned report
This commissioned research report identifies the principles and characteristics necessary for Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programs to embed evidence-based teaching practices.
Contributing to continuity: supporting children to progress in their learning across our education system
What can be done to create more effective transitions from birth to Year 12, to support greater continuity of learning and better student outcomes?
Fewer than 1 in 5 students who are behind in Year 3 catch up and stay caught up
We found less than 1 in 5 students who perform below the national minimum standards in literacy and numeracy in the Year 3 NAPLAN tests catch up and stay caught up.
Analytical Insights paper
Learning outcomes of students with early low NAPLAN performance
This paper is the second in a series of Analytical Insights papers, which provide accessible, up-to-date analysis of educational datasets.
Technical report
Longitudinal literacy and numeracy in Australia (LLANIA) dataset: Technical report
This technical report describes the creation of the Longitudinal Literacy and Numeracy in Australia (LLANIA) dataset, including the linkage process and quality assurance methods.
The Longitudinal Literacy and Numeracy in Australia (LLANIA) dataset
Improving the quality, accessibility and endurability of national school data architecture.
Child-centred approaches to transitions between school and OSHC
Evidence shows that a child-centred approach helps with successful transitions. We spoke to the principal and OSHC coordinator at Kuluin State School about how they approach transitions.
Collaborative partnerships in managing transitions between school and OSHC
Collaboration between OSHC services and schools enhances continuity of learning and effective transitions. We spoke to the principal and OSHC coordinator at Kuluin State School about how they approach transitions.