AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.
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Executive functions: Trajectory
This Early Childhood Learning Trajectory video outlines children’s progress in executive functions. It can be used alongside the EYLF 2.0 assessment and planning cycle to support children’s learning, development and wellbeing.
Language and communication: Trajectory
This Early Childhood Learning Trajectory video outlines children’s progress in language and communication. It can be used alongside the EYLF V2.0 assessment and planning cycle to support children’s learning, development and wellbeing.
Research report
Understanding current ITE delivery and identifying opportunities: Commissioned report
This project conducted a review of Australian Initial Teacher Education (ITE) delivery to understand the extent to which ITE programs integrate foundational core content.
Research report
Evidence based teaching practices: Commissioned report
This commissioned research report provides a summary of the recommended course content for initial teacher education (ITE) based on the research evidence base.
Research report
Incorporating evidence-based teaching practices into ITE: Commissioned report
This commissioned research report identifies the principles and characteristics necessary for Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programs to embed evidence-based teaching practices.
Practice guide
Using research evidence in early childhood education and care, Manuka Childcare Centre: Case study
In this case study, an early childhood education and care (ECEC) centre director and a teacher describe their use of evidence to improve outcomes for children.
Practice resource
Executive functions: Trajectory
This Early Childhood Learning Trajectory looks at children’s progress in executive functions to help you plan the next steps in their learning and development.
Practice resource
Language and communication: Trajectory
This Early Childhood Learning Trajectory looks at children’s progress in language and communication to help teachers and educators plan the next steps in their learning and development.
Submission from AERO's Board to the Teacher Education Expert Panel
Highlights reforms needed to ensure pre-service teachers are equipped with the knowledge and skills to implement evidence-based teaching practices
Practice resource
Using the practice: Executive function and self-regulation
This practice resource outlines some strategies to embed the development of executive function and self-regulation in your early childhood education and care setting.
Practice guide
Executive function and self-regulation
This guide outlines key practices for supporting Executive function and self-regulation in early learning settings.