AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.
37 – 48 of 176 results found
Practice resource
Students moving through the school: Classroom management observation tool
Expectations for students moving through the school support and maintain positive student behaviour. Experienced teachers and school leaders can use this practice resource with AERO’s foundational classroom management resources to support colleagues in refining their classroom management practice.
Practice guide
Supporting a colleague with refining their classroom management practice
This practice guide is designed for experienced teachers and school leaders supporting colleagues with refining their classroom management practice using AERO’s foundational classroom management resources.
Practice resource
Voice control: Classroom management observation tool
Voice control supports and maintains positive student behaviour. Experienced teachers and school leaders can use this practice resource with AERO’s foundational classroom management resources to support colleagues in refining their classroom management practice.
Voice control: Classroom management skill
Teachers from a range of schools discuss how voice control can be used for different purposes and to different effect in the classroom.
Effective strategies for strengthening school attendance
School attendance matters because every day students miss represents lost learning time. AERO has investigated factors that influence school attendance and evidence-based strategies that can support and strengthen attendance.
Research report
Barriers to school attendance and reasons for student absence
This report presents the findings from a rapid literature review of the barriers to school attendance and the reasons for student absence.
Research report
Interventions to promote school attendance and address student absence
This report presents the findings from a rapid literature review of approaches, programs and interventions that promote student attendance and address student absence.
School attendance: New insights from AERO
This report discusses the findings of an investigation AERO conducted into student attendance in Australian schools for Education Ministers.
Teacher interview: Improving classroom management with AERO resources
The Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) has developed a suite of classroom management resources that are helping schools across the country. Natalie Polak, Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction at Dubbo South Public School (NSW), shares her insights on implementing these evidence-based approaches.
Submission to the Independent Review into the Tasmanian Education System
In this submission, AERO encourages the Tasmanian Government to implement evidence-based teaching practices in schools to help all students reach their full potential. It outlines the key practices that should underpin education reforms, as well as considerations for effective and sustainable implementation.
Six things about how students learn
Knowing how students learn helps you apply teaching practices well, by understanding why some practices are more effective than others. This article focuses on techniques and strategies that improve outcomes for students.
Developing maths proficiency
This explainer outlines how students develop proficiency in maths. It explains how teaching practices and whole-school approaches aligned with how students learn can support the development of maths proficiency.