AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.

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Practice resource

Example reading assessment tools in MTSS

This practice resource provides examples of reading assessments Australian secondary schools can use in an MTSS framework. It forms part of a series of guidance created in partnership with DSF.

Submission to the Inquiry into Literacy and Numeracy in ACT Public Schools

AERO’s submission identifies 3 evidence-based teaching practices that should form the core content basis of the ACT’s support to schools. It recommends the ACT Education Directorate work with schools to implement these practices and outlines principles and support mechanisms for this.
Practice resource

Australian Early Development Census Language and Cognitive Skillmap

This tool shows how the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) Language and Cognitive skill domain items align to both the Australian Curriculum (English and Maths) and the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions (NLNLP).
Practice resource

Language and communication: Trajectory

This Early Childhood Learning Trajectory looks at children’s progress in language and communication to help teachers and educators plan the next steps in their learning and development.
Practice resource

Formative assessment: Example of practice

This example comes from a Year 7 English class where a formative assessment task was to gather data about students’ writing and interpretive skills.