About this project
We are working with teachers and educators in early childhood services and schools to further understand effective transitions to school, and how a sense of belonging can be supported for all children. This will help build shared understandings of effective transitions, and support collaboration.
We've also developed evidence syntheses and practical resources to assist teachers and educators working in schools and early childhood services, including outside school hours care (OSHC).
How do we know if a transition is effective?
A successful transition has taken place when a child and their family feel a sense of belonging in their new school community, and when this is recognised by teachers and educators. A sense of belonging can assist many aspects of children’s learning and development, including their emerging sense of identity, wellbeing, and engagement with school.
Transitions to school are complex
Transitions are a process that takes time, starting and extending well beyond the first day of school. They involve collaboration between teachers, educators and leaders in early childhood services and schools, as well as partnerships with children and families. Every child and family experiences transition to school in a unique way, with no one-size-fits-all approaches.
Why measure transitions to school?
Measurement assists educators, teachers and policymakers to:
- identify and celebrate practices that contribute to effective transitions
- monitor and evaluate the transition process to identify where practices can be enhanced or improved
- ensure multiple perspectives are heard through each transition experience
- promote conversations about effective transitions between stakeholders to generate partnerships, and shared understandings and responsibility.
Keywords: starting school