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37 – 48 of 65 results found
Using data in MTSS: Progress monitoring
Staff at Mount Rowan Secondary College (Vic), Parafield Gardens High School (SA), East Loddon P–12 College (Vic), Como Secondary College (WA) and Reece High School (Tas) discuss how they track progress of students receiving literacy and numeracy intervention within an MTSS framework aligned with AERO’s guidance.
Using data in MTSS: Screening
Staff at Paramatta Marist High School (NSW), Parafield Gardens High School (SA), East Loddon P–12 College (Vic), Craigmore High School (SA), Como Secondary College (WA) and Mount Rowan Secondary College (Vic) discuss how they identify students in need of literacy and numeracy intervention within an MTSS framework aligned with AERO’s guidance.
Research summary
Skills for future literacy and numeracy learning: Research summary
This document summarises key findings and recommendations from an analysis of Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) data conducted by AERO in 2022.
Child-centred approaches to transitions between school and OSHC
Evidence shows that a child-centred approach helps with successful transitions. We spoke to the principal and OSHC coordinator at Kuluin State School about how they approach transitions.
Collaborative partnerships in managing transitions between school and OSHC
Collaboration between OSHC services and schools enhances continuity of learning and effective transitions. We spoke to the principal and OSHC coordinator at Kuluin State School about how they approach transitions.
Research summary
Transitions between school and outside school hours care
This evidence summary supports the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO)'s practice guide for transitions between school and OSHC. It describes the evidence base behind the guides and synthesises insights from available research.
Research summary
Transitions to school for children with disability or developmental delay: Research summary
This evidence summary supports AERO’s practice guide for transitions to school for children with disability or developmental delay.
Research summary
Evidence use and evidence-based practices in early childhood education and care
This research collects information from educators, teachers and leaders working in ECEC about the place research and evidence has in their professional practice.
Research summary
Supporting secondary students lacking foundational literacy and numeracy skills
This research summary presents the key findings from 2 reports on better supporting students who enter secondary school with gaps in their foundational literacy and numeracy skills.
Research summary
Evidence use in schools national snapshot: Summary of findings
Summary of AERO's national snapshot providing a baseline of how evidence is used by teachers and leaders across Australian schools.
Explicit instruction in English
Explicit instruction is a teaching practice that evidence says makes a difference. In this video, Melissa Garstang-Leary explains how she uses explicit instruction in her English lessons.
Explicit instruction in mathematics
Explicit instruction is a teaching practice that evidence says makes a difference. In this video, Sue Davis explains how she uses explicit instruction in her mathematics lessons.