AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.

13 – 24 of 89 results found

Practice guide

Vary practice

This practice guide will help teachers provide varied and spaced opportunities for students to practice their learning.

Submission to the Independent Review into the Tasmanian Education System

In this submission, AERO encourages the Tasmanian Government to implement evidence-based teaching practices in schools to help all students reach their full potential. It outlines the key practices that should underpin education reforms, as well as considerations for effective and sustainable implementation.
Practice guide

Choosing reading assessments in MTSS

This practice guide explains how to select and administer student reading assessments in an MTSS approach, including identifying important criteria when choosing reading assessments. It’s the third part of a series of guidance created in partnership with DSF.
Practice guide

The value of research evidence

This is the first in a series of 4 practice guides designed to help teachers, educators and leaders use research evidence to strengthen decisions about their practice. It outlines common forms of research evidence and provides tips for what to look out for when considering research evidence.
Practice guide

Looking for research evidence

This is the second in a series of 4 practice guides designed to help teachers, educators and leaders use research evidence to strengthen decisions about their practice. It provides information about the types of print and online resources that contain research evidence, as well as using common library and online search tools.
Practice guide

Assessing research evidence

This is the third in a series of 4 practice guides designed to help teachers, educators and leaders use research evidence to strengthen decisions about their practice. It provides advice on tools and strategies for assessing research evidence.
Practice guide

Applying research evidence

This is the fourth in a series of 4 practice guides designed to help teachers, educators and leaders use research evidence to strengthen decisions about their practice. It provides advice for making decisions about implementing a new approach, as well as links to additional resources and information.

Submission to the Inquiry into Literacy and Numeracy in ACT Public Schools

AERO’s submission identifies 3 evidence-based teaching practices that should form the core content basis of the ACT’s support to schools. It recommends the ACT Education Directorate work with schools to implement these practices and outlines principles and support mechanisms for this.
Practice guide

Supporting self-regulated learning

This practice guide will help teachers teach and model self-regulated learning strategies students can apply to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of their learning.
Practice guide

Teach explicitly

This practice guide will help teachers explain, demonstrate and model learning content explicitly in ways that manage cognitive load to support students with building foundational knowledge before they practise independently.