AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.
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Establishing and maintaining rules: Their role in classroom management
This explainer focuses on establishing and maintaining classroom rules, describing how rules allow teachers to clearly state the behaviour expectations for all students in the learning environment.
Teaching routines: Their role in classroom management
This explainer focuses on teaching routines, describing how explicit teaching of routines provides structure, predictability and consistency to support student learning.
High expectations for student behaviour: Their role in classroom management
This explainer describes how maintaining high expectations for all students can positively impact their behaviour and readiness to learn.
Positive teacher–student relationships: Their role in classroom management
This explainer describes how creating connections with students over time can help develop trust and positive relationships to support learning.
Explicit instruction optimises learning
This explainer provides an introduction to explicit instruction, with a focus on explaining how it contributes to positive outcomes for students’ learning achievement and dispositions.
Knowledge is central to learning
This explainer provides an introduction to the role of knowledge in learning, implications for effective teaching, and describes how building background knowledge facilitates higher-order thinking and learning outcomes.
Managing cognitive load optimises learning
This explainer gives a brief introduction to cognitive load, focusing on ways to manage it for effective and efficient learning.
Introduction to the science of reading
Understanding the cognitive science behind how students learn to read and the research on effective instruction makes it easier for educators to align policy and classroom teaching with evidence.
Explicit instruction
Explicit instruction breaks down what students need to learn into smaller learning outcomes and models each step. It allows students to process new information more effectively.
Formative assessment
In formative assessment, you gather and interpret information about student learning as it is happening in your classroom. It helps you to adapt your teaching to meet student needs.
Mastery learning
Mastery learning is a way of designing units of work so that each set of tasks focuses on a particular learning objective and students must master a task to move onto the next one.
Spacing and retrieval
Spacing and retrieval involves separating learning over multiple lessons and providing opportunities for students to recall what they have learned. This helps to commit learning to long-term memory.