AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.

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Engaged classrooms through effective classroom management

Students learn best in well-managed classrooms. AERO’s classroom management resources support teachers and school leaders to create safe and supportive learning environments through evidence-based practices.

Explicit instruction optimises learning

This explainer provides an introduction to explicit instruction, with a focus on explaining how it contributes to positive outcomes for students’ learning achievement and dispositions.

Knowledge is central to learning

This explainer provides an introduction to the role of knowledge in learning, implications for effective teaching, and describes how building background knowledge facilitates higher-order thinking and learning outcomes.

How students learn

Our work on how students learn best (also known as the science of learning) connects cognitive science, neuroscience and education psychology research on the learning process with practical teaching implications. 

Introduction to the science of reading

Understanding the cognitive science behind how students learn to read and the research on effective instruction makes it easier for educators to align policy and classroom teaching with evidence.