AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.
1 – 12 of 32 results found
Ten approaches to supporting evidence use across Australian school systems
We identified 10 approaches to evidence-use commonly used by Australian school systems and sectors.
What is education evidence and how can we use it more effectively in schools and early childhood services?
There are many research reports, articles, ideas and resources designed to help teachers and education systems. How, though, can teachers be sure what they choose to do will work? The answer is evidence.
We asked 900 Australian teachers if evidence informs how they teach
Article in The Conversation revealing how much use teachers make of education research evidence when teaching students.
Practice resource
Professional learning at a system-level
This resource provides examples of professional learning at a system-level to support evidence use.
Practice resource
Evaluating non-academic sources
The Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy and Purpose (CRAAP) test helps you to evaluate non-academic sources of evidence, such as a webpage.
Intentional teaching leads to purposeful play-based learning
Evidence-based intentional teaching can help educators and teachers progress and support children’s learning. It is also important for educators and teachers to incorporate the intentionality of children and their families into their planning for children’s learning.
An education rewrite is needed to change the narrative for student outcomes
Jenny Donovan discusses AERO's analysis of NAPLAN writing data and the importance of writing instruction. Originally published in The Mandarin.
Practice resource
Using the practice: Early literacy
This practice resource looks at strategies for engaging in sustained shared conversations with children aged 3 to 5 years. It uses examples of educators and teachers using moments in the day to build children’s literacy skills.
'But that would never work here' – Does context matter more than evidence?
Nobody knows more about students’ learning needs than their teachers and educators. So how should teachers and educators respond to research evidence about effective practice that is broad and does not appear to take account of contextual factors?
Shape national education research and resources
The Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) is looking for educators, teachers and leaders from Australian schools and early childhood education and care (ECEC) services to prioritise and shape its research and resources.
How the National Outside School Hours Services Alliance and AERO are working together to improve transitions
AERO has partnered with the National Outside School Hours Services Alliance (NOSHSA) to support continuity of learning and development for school-aged children as they move between out of school hours care (OSHC) services and school.
Practice resource
Family engagement implementation checklists: Primary
Primary school teachers and leaders can use these checklists to plan the implementation of their school’s approaches to engaging with families to support student learning.