AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.
73 – 84 of 87 results found
Mastery learning in maths
Mastery learning is a teaching practice that evidence says makes a difference. In this video, Sue Davis explains how she uses mastery learning in her mathematics lessons.
Mastery learning in science
Mastery learning is a teaching practice that evidence says makes a difference. In this video, Darcie Clarke explains how she uses mastery learning in her science lessons.
Research report
Writing development: What does a decade of NAPLAN data reveal?
This report discusses AERO’s 2022 analysis of NAPLAN student writing data – the most extensive investigation into this area ever conducted in Australia.
Spacing and retrieval at Alfred Deakin High School
See how Amber Turner, a French teacher at Alfred Deakin High School, uses spacing and retrieval practice in her classes.
Research report
Evidence use in education policymaking: Desktop review
Partnering with Learning First, we investigated issues influencing the effective use of evidence in policy development through a desktop review and interviews with senior policymakers.
Research report
Early childhood data in Australia: Scoping report
This report aims to guide and catalyse further work towards building a better early childhood education and care (ECEC) system to serve all Australian children and families.
Research report
Evidence use in early childhood settings: How do educators say they are supported?
ECEC services often have cultures of sharing and discussing evidence, but less support is available for early childhood educators to actively change their practice based on evidence.
Research report
Evidence use in schools: How do teachers say they are supported?
Our national survey has found that Australian schools often have cultures of sharing and discussing evidence, but less support is available for teachers to actively change their practice based on evidence.
Explicit instruction at Loxton Primary School
See how the Year 1 teachers at Loxton Primary School use explicit instruction in their classroom.
Focused classrooms at Loxton Primary School
See how the Year 6 teachers at Loxton Primary School work to create a focused classroom from the beginning of the year.
Formative assessment at Walford Anglican School for Girls
Kerri Proctor, Head of English at Walford Anglican School for Girls, uses different formative assessment methods to track students' progress.
Mastery learning at Trinity College
See how Mastery Learning is implemented in different classrooms at Trinity College.