AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.
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Contributing to continuity: supporting children to progress in their learning across our education system
What can be done to create more effective transitions from birth to Year 12, to support greater continuity of learning and better student outcomes?
Practice guide
Transitions between outside school hours care and school
The evidence-based practices presented in this guide can be used to support children’s transitions from before-school care to school and from school to after-school care.
Practice guide
Transitions to school for children with disability or developmental delay: Practice guide
The evidence-based practices presented in this guide can be used to support children with disability or developmental delay as they transition to their first year of school. It's designed to help services and schools work together to achieve more successful transitions.
How the National Outside School Hours Services Alliance and AERO are working together to improve transitions
AERO has partnered with the National Outside School Hours Services Alliance (NOSHSA) to support continuity of learning and development for school-aged children as they move between out of school hours care (OSHC) services and school.
The importance of school transitions
Children’s transitions from early childhood education and care (ECEC) to school can have lasting effects on their learning and development.