AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.
25 – 36 of 38 results found
Research report
Student wellbeing data and measurement in Australia
This report presents findings from AERO’s scoping work to understand how student wellbeing is measured in Australia. It highlights opportunities to improve effective data collection and use.
Practice guide
Encouraging a sense of belonging and connectedness in ECEC
This practice guide outlines best-practice approaches for improving a sense of belonging and connectedness in children aged birth to 5 years.
Submission to the Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System
AERO's submission included an overview of how student wellbeing is measured in Australia and highlighted opportunities to improve data collection and use of data in decision-making.
Practice resource
Mathematical thinking: Trajectory
This Early Childhood Learning Trajectory looks at children’s progress in mathematical thinking to help teachers and educators plan the next steps in their learning and development.
Practice resource
Social and emotional learning: Trajectory
This Early Childhood Learning Trajectory looks at children’s progress in social and emotional learning to help teachers and educators plan the next steps in their learning and development.
Practice guide
Encouraging a sense of belonging and connectedness in primary schools
A positive sense of belonging at school has fundamental benefits for children and young people, aiding learning and engagement. This practice guide makes recommendations based on the best available evidence.
Practice guide
Encouraging a sense of belonging and connectedness in secondary schools
This practice guide makes recommendations based on the best available research evidence on fostering a sense of belonging in school environments.
Research report
Review of remote and online learning experiences during COVID-19
The review was administered by the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) and conducted by the Centre for International Research on Education Systems (CIRES) at Victoria University.
Formative assessment in mathematics
Formative assessment is a teaching practice that evidence says makes a difference. In this video, Sue Davis explains how she uses formative assessment in her mathematics lessons.
Practice guide
Engaging with families at Canning Vale Prekindy: Case study
This case study has been created by the Canning Vale Prekindy (CVPK) team. It demonstrates how they engage with families and the benefits of this interaction for children’s educational outcomes.
It takes a village: The importance of family engagement for supporting learning
Building on family engagement practice guides for early childhood, primary and secondary school levels, AERO has released a new suite of promising approaches audit tools, family engagement implementation checklists and case studies.
Practice resource
Using the practice: Early numeracy
This practice resource outlines some strategies to embed early numeracy in your early childhood education and care setting.