AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.
61 – 72 of 88 results found
Research report
Supporting students significantly behind in literacy and numeracy
This review aimed to identify gaps in knowledge about supporting students behind their peers in Years 7 and 9.
Research summary
Supporting secondary students lacking foundational literacy and numeracy skills
This research summary presents the key findings from 2 reports on better supporting students who enter secondary school with gaps in their foundational literacy and numeracy skills.
Practice guide
Complex sentences
This practice guide helps teachers explain complex sentences, enabling students to produce more sophisticated writing. It's the third and final in a series of guides designed to help teachers explain and demonstrate the fundamentals of writing to their students.
Practice guide
Compound sentences
This practice guide helps teachers unpack the features of compound sentences, which allow students to add interest to their writing. It's the second in a series of guides designed to help teachers explain and demonstrate the fundamentals of writing to their students.
Practice guide
Simple sentences
This is the first in a series of practice guides designed to help teachers explain and demonstrate the fundamentals of writing to their students.
Year 6 English Unit 2, Lesson 5: Example lesson plan
This example lesson plan was developed by Ochre Education and English teacher Melissa Garstang-Leary. It outlines her approach to teaching a Year 6 English lesson on planning a biography.
Year 6 English Unit 2, Lesson 6: Example lesson plan
This example lesson plan was developed by Ochre Education and English teacher Melissa Garstang-Leary. It outlines her approach to teaching a Year 6 English lesson on writing a biography.
Year 6 English Unit 2, Lesson 8: Example lesson plan
This example lesson plan was developed by Ochre Education and English teacher Melissa Garstang-Leary. It outlines her approach to teaching a Year 6 English lesson on editing a biography.
Year 6 English Unit 2, Lesson 1: Example lesson plan
This example lesson plan was developed by Ochre Education and English teacher Melissa Garstang-Leary. It outlines her approach to teaching a Year 6 English lesson on identifying the features of a biography.
Introduction to the science of reading
Understanding the cognitive science behind how students learn to read and the research on effective instruction makes it easier for educators to align policy and classroom teaching with evidence.
Ten approaches to supporting evidence use across Australian school systems
We identified 10 approaches to evidence-use commonly used by Australian school systems and sectors.
Explicit instruction in English
Explicit instruction is a teaching practice that evidence says makes a difference. In this video, Melissa Garstang-Leary explains how she uses explicit instruction in her English lessons.