AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.
1 – 12 of 24 results found
Research report
Promoting equity for multilingual children in early childhood
This report explores the experiences, in early childhood education and care and at home, that appear to contribute to more equitable outcomes for emerging multilingual children.
Practice guide
Punctuation: What’s the point?
This practice guide complements AERO’s simple, compound and complex sentence practice guides. It provides an overview of essential punctuation for writing in schools.
Practice guide
Writing in subject English: Simple, compound and complex sentences in student writing
This practice guide was developed for secondary English teachers, and is one in a series of 3 focusing on types of sentences in English, Science, and Health and Physical Education writing.
Practice guide
Writing in Science: Simple, compound and complex sentences in student writing
This practice guide was developed for secondary Science teachers, and is one in a series of 3 focusing on types of sentences in English, Science, and Health and Physical Education writing.
Practice guide
Writing in Health and Physical Education: Simple, compound and complex sentences in student writing
This practice guide was developed for secondary Health and Physical Education teachers, and is one in a series of 3 focusing on types of sentences in English, Science, and Health and Physical Education writing.
Practice resource
Equity, inclusion and high expectations: Assessment for children’s learning
This resource is part of a series of 8 practice resources for assessment for children’s learning in early childhood education and care services (ECEC). Each resource is aligned with the Principles of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF V2.0).
Practice resource
Equity, inclusion and high expectations: Play-based learning and intentionality
This resource is part of a series of 8 practice resources for play-based learning and intentionality in ECEC. Each resource is aligned with the Principles of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF V2.0).
Practice resource
Australian Early Development Census Language and Cognitive Skillmap
This tool shows how the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) Language and Cognitive skill domain items align to both the Australian Curriculum (English and Maths) and the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions (NLNLP).
Research summary
Skills for future literacy and numeracy learning: Research summary
This document summarises key findings and recommendations from an analysis of Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) data conducted by AERO in 2022.
Research report
Which skills are important for future literacy and numeracy?
This report details how children's learning and development progresses in the early years of school, using findings from national linked data from the Australian Early Development Census and National Assessment Program.
Why AERO is working to support a whole-school approach to writing
Christine Jackson and Annie Fisher discuss the need to support teachers to teach writing in all subject areas.
Tiered literacy and numeracy interventions
In this article, Adam Inder shares findings from AERO’s Implementing Effective Tiered Interventions in Secondary Schools' project.