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Practice guide
Transitions between outside school hours care and school
The evidence-based practices presented in this guide can be used to support children’s transitions from before-school care to school and from school to after-school care.
Practice guide
Transitions to school for children with disability or developmental delay: Practice guide
The evidence-based practices presented in this guide can be used to support children with disability or developmental delay as they transition to their first year of school. It's designed to help services and schools work together to achieve more successful transitions.
Practice guide
Engaging with families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds: ECEC practice guide
This practice guide details strategies for engaging with families from culturally diverse backgrounds, families with English as an additional language or dialect and families from refugee backgrounds.
Practice guide
Engaging with families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds: Schools practice guide
This practice guide details strategies for engaging with families from culturally diverse backgrounds, families with English as an additional language or dialect and families from refugee backgrounds.