AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.
109 – 120 of 176 results found
How ready is your school for change? Considerations when introducing new initiatives, programs and models to your school community
This article explores some of the factors shown to impact school staff’s readiness for change and recommends 4 promising approaches.
Research report
Readiness for change in education: Implementing new approaches in schools
AERO is collaborating with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) to examine readiness for change. This is the first research snapshot in a series of 3 that summarise learnings from readiness for change research undertaken as part of the Getting it Right from the Start (GIRFTS) project.
Why AERO is working to support a whole-school approach to writing
Christine Jackson and Annie Fisher discuss the need to support teachers to teach writing in all subject areas.
Tiered literacy and numeracy interventions
In this article, Adam Inder shares findings from AERO’s Implementing Effective Tiered Interventions in Secondary Schools' project.
Practice guide
Complex sentences
This practice guide helps teachers explain complex sentences, enabling students to produce more sophisticated writing. It's the third and final in a series of guides designed to help teachers explain and demonstrate the fundamentals of writing to their students.
Practice guide
Compound sentences
This practice guide helps teachers unpack the features of compound sentences, which allow students to add interest to their writing. It's the second in a series of guides designed to help teachers explain and demonstrate the fundamentals of writing to their students.
Practice guide
Simple sentences
This is the first in a series of practice guides designed to help teachers explain and demonstrate the fundamentals of writing to their students.
Research report
Review of remote and online learning experiences during COVID-19
The review was administered by the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) and conducted by the Centre for International Research on Education Systems (CIRES) at Victoria University.
Research report
Benchmarking performance: Future directions for Australia’s National Assessment Program
By examining literacy and numeracy results across assessments, we can better understand the performance of Australian students over time; we can pinpoint areas of national strength and weakness and improve Australia’s educational outcomes.
Analytical Insights paper
NAPLAN participation: Who is missing the tests and why it matters
This paper is the first in a series of Analytical Insights papers, which provide accessible, up-to-date analysis of educational datasets.
NAPLAN results inform schools, parents and policy. But too many kids miss the tests altogether
We look at who is not sitting the tests and why that matters.
Senate submission on the issue of increasing disruption in Australian school classrooms
Addresses the causes of and interventions for disruption in Australian school classrooms