AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.

1 – 12 of 23 results found

Discussion paper

Strengthening the evidence on how GenAI can improve teaching and learning

This discussion paper identifies 5 priority research projects about generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools in education and invites the education research community to partner with us. Working together we can better understand how to harness GenAI tools to reverse growing inequity in student learning outcomes.

Submission to the Inquiry into Literacy and Numeracy in ACT Public Schools

AERO’s submission identifies 3 evidence-based teaching practices that should form the core content basis of the ACT’s support to schools. It recommends the ACT Education Directorate work with schools to implement these practices and outlines principles and support mechanisms for this.
Practice guide

Punctuation: What’s the point?

This practice guide complements AERO’s simple, compound and complex sentence practice guides. It provides an overview of essential punctuation for writing in schools.
Practice resource

Australian Early Development Census Language and Cognitive Skillmap

This tool shows how the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) Language and Cognitive skill domain items align to both the Australian Curriculum (English and Maths) and the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions (NLNLP).
Research report

Which skills are important for future literacy and numeracy?

This report details how children's learning and development progresses in the early years of school, using findings from national linked data from the Australian Early Development Census and National Assessment Program.
Practice guide

Complex sentences

This practice guide helps teachers explain complex sentences, enabling students to produce more sophisticated writing. It's the third and final in a series of guides designed to help teachers explain and demonstrate the fundamentals of writing to their students.
Practice guide

Compound sentences

This practice guide helps teachers unpack the features of compound sentences, which allow students to add interest to their writing. It's the second in a series of guides designed to help teachers explain and demonstrate the fundamentals of writing to their students.
Practice guide

Simple sentences

This is the first in a series of practice guides designed to help teachers explain and demonstrate the fundamentals of writing to their students.