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1 – 12 of 19 results found
Research report
Delivery approaches in regional and remote thin markets
This report presents a summary of the evidence on approaches shown to improve access to ECEC services in regional and remote areas. It identifies 8 approaches as having the potential to improve access to ECEC services in regional and remote thin markets.
Research report
Barriers to school attendance and reasons for student absence
This report presents the findings from a rapid literature review of the barriers to school attendance and the reasons for student absence.
Research report
Interventions to promote school attendance and address student absence
This report presents the findings from a rapid literature review of approaches, programs and interventions that promote student attendance and address student absence.
Research report
The impact of context on evidence-based practices: A rapid literature scan on formative assessment, explicit instruction and mastery learning
This report presents the findings of AERO’s rapid literature review on the effects of the evidence-based teaching practices formative assessment, explicit instruction and mastery learning on student achievement across contexts.
Research report
Strategies to enhance schools' readiness for change
This is the second research snapshot in a series that summarise learnings from readiness for change research undertaken as part of the Getting it Right from the Start (GIRFTS) project. It outlines strategies school leaders can use to increase their school’s readiness for change and highlights real-life examples from the GIRFTS project.
Research report
A knowledge-rich approach to curriculum design: Commissioned report
This commissioned report provides an overview of the evidence underpinning a knowledge-rich curriculum and outlines the key design features and enablers to effectively enact a knowledge-rich curriculum in schools.
Research report
How students learn best: An overview of the evidence
This paper highlights the impact aligning teaching practices with how students learn has on educational outcomes. It underscores the importance of evidence-based practices that enhance learning for all students.
Research report
Which skills are important for future literacy and numeracy?
This report details how children's learning and development progresses in the early years of school, using findings from national linked data from the Australian Early Development Census and National Assessment Program.
Research report
Student wellbeing data and measurement in Australia
This report presents findings from AERO’s scoping work to understand how student wellbeing is measured in Australia. It highlights opportunities to improve effective data collection and use.
Research report
The features of an effective school strategic plan: Literature review
School strategic plans are multi-year and annual plans produced through regular school review cycles to communicate a school’s intentions for improvement. AERO conducted a literature review to understand the features of effective school strategic plans.
Research report
Readiness for change in education: Implementing new approaches in schools
AERO is collaborating with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) to examine readiness for change. This is the first research snapshot in a series of 3 that summarise learnings from readiness for change research undertaken as part of the Getting it Right from the Start (GIRFTS) project.
Research report
Review of remote and online learning experiences during COVID-19
The review was administered by the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) and conducted by the Centre for International Research on Education Systems (CIRES) at Victoria University.