AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.
1 – 12 of 24 results found
Research summary
Sharing professional learning via peer mentoring
This research summary provides an overview of a study on peer mentoring for professional learning conducted by AERO in partnership with ALNF.
Research summary
Linking quality and child development in early childhood education and care: Research summary
This research summary presents key findings from a research project examining how specific aspects of quality relate to learning and development outcomes for children in Australia.
Research summary
Measuring wellbeing and belonging in children aged 3 to 8 years
To understand which wellbeing programs and practices adopted by early childhood education and care (ECEC) services and schools improve children’s outcomes, it is necessary to measure and track children’s wellbeing. This research summary shares some preliminary learning from work the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) commissioned on developing wellbeing and belonging measures for children aged 3 to 8 years.
Practice guide
The value of research evidence
This is the first in a series of 4 practice guides designed to help teachers, educators and leaders use research evidence to strengthen decisions about their practice. It outlines common forms of research evidence and provides tips for what to look out for when considering research evidence.
Practice guide
Looking for research evidence
This is the second in a series of 4 practice guides designed to help teachers, educators and leaders use research evidence to strengthen decisions about their practice. It provides information about the types of print and online resources that contain research evidence, as well as using common library and online search tools.
Practice guide
Assessing research evidence
This is the third in a series of 4 practice guides designed to help teachers, educators and leaders use research evidence to strengthen decisions about their practice. It provides advice on tools and strategies for assessing research evidence.
Practice guide
Applying research evidence
This is the fourth in a series of 4 practice guides designed to help teachers, educators and leaders use research evidence to strengthen decisions about their practice. It provides advice for making decisions about implementing a new approach, as well as links to additional resources and information.
Practice guide
Encouraging a sense of belonging and connectedness in ECEC
This practice guide outlines best-practice approaches for improving a sense of belonging and connectedness in children aged birth to 5 years.
Research summary
Transitions to school for children with disability or developmental delay: Research summary
This evidence summary supports AERO’s practice guide for transitions to school for children with disability or developmental delay.
Practice guide
Transitions to school for children with disability or developmental delay: Practice guide
The evidence-based practices presented in this guide can be used to support children with disability or developmental delay as they transition to their first year of school. It's designed to help services and schools work together to achieve more successful transitions.
Practice guide
Using research evidence in early childhood education and care, Manuka Childcare Centre: Case study
In this case study, an early childhood education and care (ECEC) centre director and a teacher describe their use of evidence to improve outcomes for children.
Research summary
Evidence use and evidence-based practices in early childhood education and care
This research collects information from educators, teachers and leaders working in ECEC about the place research and evidence has in their professional practice.