AERO publishes a wide range of evidence-based resources. Browse our resources, and use the filter to choose resources by type, topic, practice settings and more.
193 – 204 of 321 results found
Practice guide
Effective strategic plans: Prioritising approaches to achieve each goal
This practice guide is the second in a series of 4 on developing and applying effective strategic plans and provides practical steps for prioritising approaches to achieve each goal.
Research report
The features of an effective school strategic plan: Literature review
School strategic plans are multi-year and annual plans produced through regular school review cycles to communicate a school’s intentions for improvement. AERO conducted a literature review to understand the features of effective school strategic plans.
Practice guide
Effective strategic plans: Selecting practices to deliver improvement
This practice guide is the third in a series of 4 and focuses on selecting practices to deliver improvement.
Practice guide
Effective strategic plans: Evaluating for continuous school improvement
This practice guide is the fourth and final in the series and focuses on evaluating the processes and outcomes in the strategic plan.
Research report
Evidence use in early childhood education and care: National snapshot 2021/2022
This national research snapshot collects evidence on evidence use in Australian early childhood education and care (ECEC) services.
Research report
Use of evidence and evidence-based practices in early childhood education and care: Methodology
This methodology outlines the processes AERO used to collect and analyse data for national research snapshots on evidence use and use of evidence-based practices in early childhood education and care.
Research report
Use of evidence-based practices in early childhood education and care: National snapshot 2021/2022
This national research snapshot collects evidence on the use of evidence-based practices in Australian ECEC services using Q4 2021 National Quality Standards data.
Practice guide
Using research evidence in early childhood education and care, Manuka Childcare Centre: Case study
In this case study, an early childhood education and care (ECEC) centre director and a teacher describe their use of evidence to improve outcomes for children.
Research summary
Evidence use and evidence-based practices in early childhood education and care
This research collects information from educators, teachers and leaders working in ECEC about the place research and evidence has in their professional practice.
Submission to the Review of Secondary Education in the Northern Territory
Submission on increasing participation, retention and completion in education in the Northern Territory, particularly in remote areas
Practice guide
Early childhood learning trajectories: User guide
This user guide is for teachers and educators working in early childhood education and care (ECEC). It will help you use the learning trajectories, to strengthen your curriculum and inform your pedagogical decision-making.
Practice resource
Early childhood learning trajectories: Reflection activity
This activity invites you to collect and reflect on examples from your early childhood education and care (ECEC) service, individually and with colleagues, to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the learning trajectories.