25 – 36 of 38 results found

Research report

The features of an effective school strategic plan: Literature review

School strategic plans are multi-year and annual plans produced through regular school review cycles to communicate a school’s intentions for improvement. AERO conducted a literature review to understand the features of effective school strategic plans.
Agency publication

Reconciliation Action Plan

AERO is committed to using evidence to achieve excellence and equity in educational outcomes for First Nations children and young people. We can only realise this commitment by building positive relationships with First Nations peoples and communities and embedding reconciliation in our culture.
Research report

Readiness for change in education: Implementing new approaches in schools

AERO is collaborating with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) to examine readiness for change. This is the first research snapshot in a series of 3 that summarise learnings from readiness for change research undertaken as part of the Getting it Right from the Start (GIRFTS) project.
Practice resource

Family engagement audit tool: Secondary

Secondary school teachers and leaders can use these tools to examine their school’s approaches to engaging with families to support student learning.
Practice resource

Family engagement audit tool: Primary

Primary school teachers and leaders can use these tools to examine their school’s approaches to engaging with families to support student learning.
Research report

Early childhood data in Australia: Scoping report

This report aims to guide and catalyse further work towards building a better early childhood education and care (ECEC) system to serve all Australian children and families.
Practice resource

Evidence decision-making tool for policymakers

A tool to help policymakers use evidence to make decisions about a new or existing policy, program or other initiative based on AERO’s Standards of Evidence.